Ruth Suckow's Short Stories

A part of the Institution.pdf
A Part of the Institution blurb description.docx
The Soul That Sinneth.pdf
The Resurrection.pdf
Barbara Lounsberry essay introducing Suckow and eighteen short stories updated 2016.docx
Suckow Midwestern Primitive.pdf
A Start in Life.odt
A Great Mollie.pdf
A Rural Community Ruth Suckow.pdf
A Great Mollie Readers Theater.docx

We have been given permission to post several of Ruth Suckow's short stories, her novella ("A Part of the Institution,") and one story by her sister, Emma.  When you click on the story, you will see a little box. It lets you "pop out" the story to read it online. You also have the option to download these stories and use them with students or for your own enjoyment.

 "The Crick" (embedded, above)

 "A Rural Community"

 "A Start in Life"

"Midwestern Primitive"

"The Resurrection"

"A Great Mollie" (Part of the book that included A Part of the Institution novella)

President Barbara Lounsberry writes, "He offers you as a treat for promoting the Scholarship, the attached Reader's Theatre version of "A Great Mollie" which he has crafted.  As you will see, the story offers 4 great roles for actors:  Mollie (a superb part, of course), the wife and husband she visits, and the Narrator.  Enjoy!  

A Part of the Institution  (Novella) (embedded, above)

Webmaster Cherie Dargan's Review of A Part of the Institution

"The Soul that Sinneth," by Emma Suckow (embedded, above) published in the August 1920 edition of The Midland.

Read Suckow Scholar and President Barbara Lounsberry's essay introducing the stories in the Iowa Digital Heritage website.  Professor Lounsberry's essay, Introducing Suckow's Stories

 For more Suckow stories, go to the Iowa Digital Heritage website.

Suckow's stories

Updated October 19, 2023

Cherie Dargan, Webmaster